Forsaking All

Philippines: July 2010 - November 2010. July 2011. June 2014 - November 2014.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Saying Goodbye

Raymart, Malign, Me, Benji, our tour guide

Friday, Benji and I along with 5 other people climbed to the top of one of the mountains here in Pinamalayan. It took almost 2 hours to get to the top and it was worth it! I was physically exhausted but to be able to see all that God has created and be in awe of Him was like no other experience. We were able to share the gospel with 3 of the people Malign, Raymart, and Dan. I praise God for every opportunity He gives me to share!

This week we have been saying goodbye to everyone. I think it is one of the hardest things I have had to do. When God allows you to be used investing in other peoples lives you are left in awe of all that God has done. I have personally seen several lives changed while I have been here. We have been visiting everyone in our Bible studies to spend one-on-one time with them and to encourage them that even though I will be gone to keep growing! A huge praise is that in both areas I have been working in there are people going behind me to continue doing Bible studies and follow-up with our people!

One of which, is a family that just came to us this past week and telling us that they were so excited what we have been doing in this specific area that they want to start a church! I am thankful God has sent other people to continue the work!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Coming to a Close

This weekend we had a fellowship with our Bible studies in Pili. We were encouraging them to take their faith a step further in the first act of obedience. They said they were not ready but all of them came to the Bible study and the husband of one of the mothers was taking notes! It is so awesome to be apart of their spiritual growth.

We also had four of them attend church with us this morning! My prayer for them is not to form religious habits but to see the importance and life-changing experience they can have in their relationship with Jesus. I could not imagine a life without Him. Through the good and bad He is worth living for!!

This morning the pastor spoke in Matthew 5 - ye are the salt of the earth. After the service, the church thanked me for working with these mothers and sharing the gospel with them. This service was two-fold for me - it encouraged me and reminded me that when I return to the states, even though I don't know what is the next step- what I'll be doing or where I'll be working etc., I am still supposed to be a light to those around me. Secondly, everyone is supposed to be a light. So many people here have called me a missionary and even so far to say a "pastora" I feel I am inadequate to be called either. I simply just graduated from college and felt Gods peace to take time off from what the world thinks I should pursue immediately- wealth, a successful career etc. and follow God's leading to simply tell others about Him!

As this experience and journey is coming to a close I am excited to see how God will continue to work !!
CherryAnn, Melody, Baby, and Agnus!

Monday, October 25, 2010

October 26

I have kept a list of people that I have been praying for to have an opportunity to share with, especially since I only have a few days left here in the Philippines. One of which is a group of girls that work in the market. They have all been very nice and always say hello to me when I walk by. Today I walked by and they were all sitting and talking so I felt that God was giving me this perfect opportunity to share. When I asked about their eternal security they didn't know where they would go but they told me they would like to know how to go to heaven. I shared with them and all four prayed to receive Christ! I am thankful for the gospel in its simplicity and availability to anyone!

Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

October 22

We had our Bible study with one of our ladies, Lenny, and right away I noticed another lady, who I had never seen before. After we were done they told me it was Lennys sister-in-law, Charrevette. She looked like she was getting ready to leave but I asked if I could share with her for a few minutes. I shared the gospel and she chose to accept!

Not only have these Bible studies allowed us to further the gospel but it has been teaching me and growing me as well! The topics have been for new believers and how to grow in their relationship with God. Some of the topics were the Holy Spirit, prayer, and memorizing scripture, all of which have been an encouraging reminder for me to take advantage of these in my Christian walk!

Last night I was struggling with my thoughts about coming back to America. What will I do? Where will I work? What is the next step? I started to pray and ask God to help me trust Him with my future. I went to go study the next lesson that I would be sharing for today and sure enough the lesson was on "Trusting God". It's not just a one time decision when we choose to follow Christ- but a continual action in our everyday lives. One of the verses in the lesson is Psalm 33:18- But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love.

God is carefully watching over those who fear and trust Him! I began to think about one of the characteristics in this verse- God's unfailing love. I started to think about other characteristics of God, He is compassionate, forgiving, merciful, just, provider, trustworthy, etc. The more we know God and His characteristics the easier it is for us to trust Him. We will have nothing to fear when we realize who He is.

Monday, October 18, 2010

October 19

Lemuel and Dennis

This morning we went to our Bible studies, one of which is a mother by the name of Divine Grace. She is 24 yrs old with two boys. When we shared the gospel with her several weeks ago she told us that she wanted us to share with her husband so they could have Bible studies together. Her husband works in town and is never home, except for today. After we had our Bible study I was introduced to her husband and God had laid it on my heart that this might be the one opportunity to share with him since he is never at home. Not only did we get to share with him but another husband of a wife that we have Bible studies with!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


We have been able to start many Bible studies in our two areas of ministry. One of which in Pili, we have encouraged them to come to church. This past Sunday we had six of our mothers come to church with us! We had a seperate s.s. class with them and then we all went to the main service. All the women told me they enjoyed it and were encouraged by it! One of them just recently lost her 17 year old son to a motorcycle accident. Her name is Agnus, and when we first visited her and shared the gospel she was crying and looked like she had lost all hope! The next time we saw her she was smiling and looked as if a burden had been lifted off of her! The same with another mother, who's husband left her because he told her he didn't want to support them anymore. Her name is Menchie, she too was crying all the time and was having to take depression medicine. We were able to see her again today to do a Bible study and she was very excited to see us! She was smiling a lot and thanked us over and over for coming to visit her! It is amazing to see the gospel change peoples lives!

I was thinking about Cristine Joy the other day and it hit me, some of the people that we have been able to share the gospel with, we would have never have met if it weren't for this precious baby! They wouldn't have had a chance to hear the gospel and have eternal life. The same with Agnus, someone brought us to her because her son had died, if her son had not have died her and her husband probably would have never heard the gospel! In terrible situations, God is still able to use them for His glory!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Divine Appointment

This morning Benji and I went to Pili, one of the areas we have been working in. We were able to visit several mothers and have a Bible study with them! It is so awesome to see them grow! As we were finishing up, there was a very bad storm coming so Benji wanted to try and beat it and get to shelter. What might've seemed like an unfortunate experience, being stuck in the rain, we were able to use that time for God. We found this wooden shelter with only one side having a tin roof, while waiting for the rain to stop. There were three young men there, Jeffrey, Jude, and Jerick, also waiting. God allowed us to share the gospel and all three of them accepted!

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Cristine Joy and her twin Crisel Jane

Grandma, Josie, another sister of Precy, Crisel, Cristine, Precy

This week Precy, her sister Josie, and Cristine came home from Manila. I went to visit them the first chance I could. The doctors told them that her head circumference needed to be no more than 50 cm to have the surgery. Cristine's head was 75 cm! The doctors told them the only thing to do was to enjoy their time with Cristine and to just wait. It was frustrating to hear because even as we were sitting around talking, Cristine was moving around and making noises like a normal healthy baby does.

I was reading In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day by Mark Batterson and it was talking about how Gideon and his army was reduced to such a small number. Why? because God probably wouldn't have received the glory otherwise. The men might've boasted in themselves and thought how powerful they were to defeat the other army. Sometimes God allows things to happen that we don't think are positive or even possible because He wants the glory from the situation. When the odds are stacked so high then people will know that it was only because of God! That is my prayer with Cristine that through this whole situation whether it ends in our minds what we view as negatively or positively God will receive the glory!

Answered Prayer

Jervy, Julie, Me

This week God has greatly encouraged me through people, situations, but most importantly His Word! It is so critical to read His Word- even though it is so cliche but I couldn't imagine trying go through a day without learning something from Him!

Thursday and Friday Pastor Benji was sick so we were unable to do ministry. I missed seeing our people that we get to see on a weekly basis. During those two days I was able to be in more prayer! God kept bringing to mind this lady by the name of Julie, who owns a store in the market, and she also supported baby Cristine. I specifically prayed that God would give me an opportunity to share with her! Saturday when Benji was feeling better I was able to go see her! It was as if she was waiting on me. We talked about baby Cristine and then I asked her about her eternal security. She said she didn't know for sure that she would go to heaven and I asked if I could share with her and she said yes! God also allowed me to share with her employee Jervy. They both listened so intently and after they prayed to ask Jesus into her heart Julie told me that many religions come to her shop and try to encourage her but she didn't want anything to do with them. She continued to tell me that every time she saw me she knew something was different and there was something inside her that wanted to talk to me. She said she knows now that the feeling she had was so that she could hear about Jesus! I praise God for the opportunity to be used of Him but also answered prayer!

Saturday, October 2, 2010

October 2

Over the weekend I have come to the conclusion that the Christian walk isn't always easy or perfect. This shouldn't be a surprise to me but unfortunately it was. I have struggled for many days now feeling hopeless and discouraged. My thoughts have been of loneliness, is God really using me, is the work here all in vain, or why are things not going the way I want it to go?Sometimes what we want in life isn't always what God wants. The outcomes in life could be far from the "happy ever after" endings. This weekend I came to Manila, just to get a few things taken care of- paying the extension of my visa, picking up my new debit card because my other one expired, and checking up on Cristine. On the nauseating bus ride to Manila I received a text from Precy, Cristines mom, and it read :

"We are here now at Philippines Childrens Hospital and the doctor said they dont want Cristine to be operated also... they are the same as PGH ( Philippines General Hospital). I've tried to ask them to just give Cristine even the shant to drain the water of the head but they dont want to do anything because it can cause complication. I'm sorry maam but Im also disappointed , we really love this baby"

There are no words to say how I felt . How could this 7 month old baby not receive help? I thought for sure God would heal her considering how He brought together so many people from America and the Philippines to raise money for this little girl and both hospitals have rejected her. This coming Monday the family will come home in Pinamalayan where I am staying.

Everytime I think about the situation I feel sick to my stomach. I first of all just want to thank everyone who did support. I don't think this was in vain and I think every detail, from the people that supported to the timing of how we met this family, was all in God's plan. Please continue to pray for the family as this will be very hard for them!

Even though things in life may not go according to how we want it: death in a family, loss of a job, aquiring an illness, etc. and even though I am not perfect, not always having the answers, feeling lonely, helpless, and discouraged- I am thankful to have a God that is faithful, just, merciful, almighty, and most of all a God that loves me just the way I am!

Monday, September 27, 2010

This weekend I got very sick, went to the hospital on Sunday and received medicine, and now I am doing much much better! As I was confined to my bed the whole weekend, I started to feel hopeless and discouraged. Several other personal conflicts came up that weekend as well as a text from Crisitines mom. She told me that the neuro doctor didn't want anything to do with Cristine. They said that her scalp is very thin and it will easily rip. My heart sank and I tried to encourage her as much as possible. She told me that she was going to visit another hospital to get a second opinion at Philippines Children Hospital. We have been praying and I apologize for not updating sooner but I was not able to get to a computer due to my health condition. This morning I received another text and Precy told me they were in the original hospital and the nurse who assisted them in pediatrics wants them to see the pediatrician, which is a huge praise! When they receive the xrays and lab tests from the orginial hospital they will bring them to PCH for a second opinion. I should be able to see them this weekend when we go to Manila. Thank you for your continued prayers!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Tomorrow I leave for Manila for a very short trip! Hopefully we will get to check on Cristine and see how everything is going!!

Our two Bible studies we have, one with the adults and one with the children have been very successful. We meet with the adults on Friday afternoons and with the children on Sunday afternoons. One of the men in our adult Bible studies is named Pat. He accepted Jesus one of the first weeks we were here. He has opened up his home and allowed us to use his front yard as a meeting place for both the adult and childrens Bible study! Ever since he has stopped smoking and drinking and has made our Bible studies a priority. The other day we went around the room and said what we were thankful for that week and he said he was thankful for Pastor Benji and I that we come each week, spend time with them, and teach them more about Jesus and the Bible. He has also mentioned at a previous meeting that he was encouraged by me leaving America to come and share with them and that he should've already been doing that with his own country and serving his own people. It is awesome to watch him grow!!

Pat and his daughter, Jay and Edvie
Edvie, Raymond, J., and Baby who regularly attend our Bible studyJoana, and a new friend she brought to our Bible study

Yoni, a new friend they brought, and Edvie

Our childrens Bible study ....
Joshua- he has a physical condition that does not allow him to go to school anymore ^

Monday, September 20, 2010

September 21

I received texts from Precy and she said that Cristine will be having her CT scan in three weeks because they are waiting for the lab test results first. Precy sounds worried and said they are hoping they will operate on Cristine sooner because it seems that her head is becoming more enlarged faster. This morning we received more money from another supporter, who is Benjis uncle. I am continually thankful how God is using the people here in the Philippines but also in America to support Cristine. Please pray that God would allow Cristine to be operated on sooner!

This morning we went back to one of our supporters because she wanted us to visit her. Her name is Ms. Lumen and she asked about Cristine and how she was doing. I was able to share the gospel with her and she accepted!

One of the areas we are working in, Morenteville, many people have been getting sick and asking us to buy them medicine. Luckily the medicine is very cheap and we have been able to get them what they need anywhere from $.50-$1! Because we had visited the pharmacy on several occasions, yesterday afternoon God laid it on my heart to share the gospel with them and all 3 accepted.

Oh and I get to find out today whether I will be an aunt of a boy or a girl! Love you Michelle =)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Pili Parents Night

Before I share about the title- Cristine went to the hospital today to do more follow-up! When I was at lunch today I ran into Lorena, who worked with us during the medical mission back in July. She told me she had read the blogs and wanted to support her! I am thankful how God is continually providing for her!

One of the areas that we are focusing on is Pili. In previous blogs I have written about how God gave us the opportunity to share the gospel with the parents of children at Agape Childcare Center. Benji and I decided to have a parents night for them. We wanted to have it in the church to encourage them to come - but we would have games, food, a devotional, and just a time to hang out. We started planning and inviting parents two weeks in advance. We kept visiting them so they wouldn't forget. My prayer was that they would be encouraged during this time and be able to enjoy fellowship with each other. We started around 7pm and we had the chairs in a circle around the room. As we started the program we had praise and worship and as I looked around the room at all the people we had personally visited in their homes and shared the gospel with they were now singing in worship! All the chairs were filled. I stood there in amazement at how God brought all of this together and how He has changed each of their lives! I started to count and after 50 I lost track because more people were coming!
Benji shared a devotional, we played games with the adults and some of the children that came and they LOVED it! We fed them dinner and were able to give each of them a Bible because of a couple,Nick and Teresa Dustman, that I know from back home who donated money. The families were so excited about receiving the Bibles that they were asking for more! Something that we easily have access to and can afford made me wonder are we that excited about the Bible?The night was a huge success and everyone kept coming up to me after it was over thanking me for the Bibles and the time they got to enjoy with each other. I thank God to be apart of their lives and seeing them grow!

the Bibles we gave them ^

Thursday, September 16, 2010

September 17

Yesterday afternoon we called Precy, Cristines mom, and she said that Cristine is scheduled for November 9th to be operated on. I am so thankful they were able to schedule a date for her to be operated! Part of me was a little discouraged because that is another month and a half away. They have so many people to be worked on, that November was the earliest they could schedule her! Cristine and her mom will be staying with family near Manila, in case they are able to operate on her sooner! They text us this morning and they were getting paper work done as well as a schedule for a CT scan. The doctors said all of Cristines vital signs were good and the hydrocephalus is not causing harm to anywhere else in her body, which is a praise!

There is an organization here in the Philippines ABS-CBN that I emailed several weeks ago that help children like Cristine. They have emailed me back asking more questions. We are praying this may be another source to help Cristine! Please continue to pray!!!/video/video.php?v=557987608282!/video/video.php?v=558080232662

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 16

This morning I received a text from Precy, Cristines mother, and she told me they were in pediatrics waiting for their name to be called to be looked at by a doctor. They sent me another text yesterday thanking us for our help and that our support was the answer to their prayer! Most likely they have not slept because they probably got to Manila late and have been waiting at the hospital. Please continue to pray for strength for the family and for the doctors to have wisdom!

A young girl that I know here , asked if I had put a picture of Cristine in her college asking for support. I said no and asked why. She told me that someone had put Cristines picture in their cafeteria at school by the cashier asking for support! I was encouraged to hear that other people are getting involved in the community!

In the midst of getting everything worked out with Cristine, we have also been busy in other areas of ministry. God has allowed us to share the gospel with different people the past couple of days. One of which was the local jail. I was asked to come and speak to the prisoners. Intimidation was my first feeling because how was I, just a 24 yr. old girl from America, be able to relate to men and woman in prison? When I walked in, God reminded me that I am no different than them, I am simply just a sinner like everyone else. I remembered that it is only by God's grace, that Ephesians 2 talks about, that I was made alive! Benji and I shared the gospel with them and in the back row I saw an elderly gentleman, probably in his late 70's, crying. Even though these men and woman may feel discouraged and that there is no hope at all, they have a new hope because of what God did for them!
standing outside the prison with Sonny and Remmy (supporters of Cristine and also the couple that asked me to speak)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

September 15, Send Off Day

Today we sent off Cristine! The mother and the sister were crying and so thankful for this opportunity! please continue to pray!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Exceedingly Abundant

Project Cristine, as I call it, has been very successful! We found more supporters, one of which was a listener from the radio station. I was walking through the market to buy some food when I heard a lady call out my name. I turned and said hello and I decided to stop and talk to her. I asked her what her name was and asked how did she know mine? She told me she heard our announcement on the radio and she saw me a couple of days ago and wanted to stop me but she didn't know how to approach me. She quickly gave me money and told me she wanted me to stop by the next day so that she could give more money. We returned yesterday and sure enough Julie gave us more, more than I expected! Most Filipinos in this area make an average of $2 a day. Yes, $2 a day- most of us Americans spend that much on a pack of gum and go about our day. They are making $2 a day just to eat and support their family!

We came across another gentlemen named Roger and a government worker named Lonie. To this day, September 13, among the Filipinos in Pinamalayan, we raised $100. Pastor Benji was hoping his community would be able to raise at least $50. God not only met that expectation but doubled it! I can't help but think of Ephesians 3:20- Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above ALL that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.

To the Americans, thank you for your support! I will be writing about you next once I receive everyones names! I can't tell you how much your support has been a blessing to me and this family!! It is so much fun to watch God use all of you!

Two more days and we will be sending off baby Cristine, her mother Precy, and Precys sister, who is going to help take care of Cristine.
Julie, the radio listener

RogerLonie and the staff in her office

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Cristine -Update #3

Yesterday morning, September 9, we focused on getting more support for Cristine throughout the community. We visited several business men. All of them gave and one of them invited us to their business meeting on Sunday where they will let us speak about Cristine at 1pm!

On Monday we will go back to the mayor for his financial support. So far we have raised close to $30, which is amazing especially in this community! People don't have much but they were willing to give and this is a lot for them!! I am thankful for their heart!

Everything is pretty much set to go for the family to leave on September 15. Thank you for your prayers and support.

I read this the same morning before we started our day:

Psalm 9:18- For the needy shall not always be forgotten; the expectation of the poor shall not perish forever.

Some of the people that gave: